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Market Outlook: 2022 Year Ahead

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

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1:00–2:00 p.m. PT / 4:00–5:00 p.m. ET

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Please join us for a 2022 market outlook discussion with Christopher J. Wolfe, Chief Investment Officer of First Republic Private Wealth Management, and Mike Selfridge, Chief Banking Officer of First Republic Bank. They will address the economy, U.S. policy, financial markets and investment opportunities as we enter the new year.


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Chief Investment Officer, First Republic Investment Management

Mr. Wolfe is responsible for leading First Republic Investment Management’s research and investment platform, as well as the investment strategy and outlook for First Republic’s integrated investment, trust and brokerage groups. Mr. Wolfe is an influencer and subject matter expert on the current state of the markets and frequently appears on numerous television networks and in print publications.

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Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Banking Officer, First Republic Bank

Mr. Selfridge joined First Republic in 2012. He has served as Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Chief Risk Officer and Chief Operating Officer, and was appointed Chief Banking Officer in 2016. He oversees Business Banking, Eagle Lending and banking in the Northern California, Los Angeles, Portland and Jackson, Wyoming, regions. Prior to First Republic, he was with Silicon Valley Bank for 18 years, most recently serving as Head of U.S. Regional Banking. He earned his B.S. from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo and his MBA from the University of San Francisco. He also attended the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program in 2013.

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